Save Time and Money
Don't use time during your rental figuring out how to operate the boat or create optimal ride settings for whatever tow sport you would like to enjoy. Our experienced captains ensure that the settings will be optimized for your experience.
We are commercially insured captains that hold all of the safety certifications and requirements stipulated by Transport Canada to operate commercial vessels.
Our team has countless hours on the water and behind the boat. We can include additional crew to directly help you from the rear of the boat when trying to learn various watersports. Sometimes what new riders need is an experienced rider guiding them through the learning process.
The most convenient and stress free lake day you'll ever be a part of! Wake Up Boat Co is a charter style boat rental company based out of Kelowna, B.C. We pride ourselves in providing our passengers with a worry-free experience at an affordable price with a fully certified and experienced captain on every rental. Our goal is to remove any hassle or time spent learning to operate the vessel and maximize your time out enjoying the beauty that Okanagan Lake has to offer. All surfing equipment and taxes are included in our prices to ensure transparency and no hidden fees. We look forward to seeing everyone out on the water!

At 23 feet in length the boat offers seating for up to 17 passengers. The 370HP engine, 2800lb ballast, 4300lb dry weight and countless wave adjusting settings will provide everything you need to enjoy a perfect day on the lake.

2023 HEYDAY H20
The H20 is 20 feet long and offers seating for up to 12 passengers. A 320HP engine, 2400lb ballast split between 4 hard tanks, 4865lb dry weight and improved electronic surf settings equip this boat to take over the lake with your crew.